Hedgerow Photography Competition


We want you to send us a photo which highlights some aspect of our late summer/autumn hedgerows.

Do you have a smartphone? We are running a free-to-enter hedgerow-themed photography competition with cash-prizes on offer.

Ireland's native hedgerows are one of our most important landscape features, supporting 95% of the wildlife in our farmed countryside, as well as providing a range of other services: shelter, shade, flood and drought reduction, nutrient buffering and carbon storage. Hedges are also a living connection to our history, many dating to the 1700s and earlier.

Hedgerows Ireland is a national body dedicated to all aspects of hedgerow welfare. The competition is kindly sponsored by the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association.

We want you to send us a photo that highlights some aspect of our late summer/autumn hedgerows. This could be of a length of hedgerow showing off its shape and overall appearance, or a photo of a plant, bird, mammal, insect, or some other feature which illustrates hedgerow wildlife. Your photo could be a composite of different images in one single picture... We are excited to see what catches your eye!

Don’t forget to accompany your photo with a title and location.

Enter Now via Google Forms!

There are two categories: under-18's (parental consent needed), and over-18's

There will be three prizes in each category:

First prize 500 euro, Second prize 250 euro, and Third prize 125 euro.

Entry is free.

The winners will be invited to a reception to receive their prizes at a later date.

Entries close at midnight on 31st October 2024

Enter Now!